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Kris LeGates

BFA Graphic Design


My work explores colors and patterns to create a unified abstract and minimalistic aesthetic. I strive to create the illusion of depth and space, even though the patterns remain flat. These patterns range from complex shapes to repeating objects that change color. The use of objects that are in my patterns can engage the viewer and draw them into my work.


The end goal of my work is that it is functional. The patterns do not exist as an end in themselves, but to enhance the use of whatever they are applied to. There is a long history of applying decorations to useful everyday objects or things that serve a purpose. This is where I see my work fitting. This allows me to change my designs constantly to fit the biggest trend or break away, pushing my own limitations. My designs work as a collective group and are able to serve multiple purposes while working together as a whole.


Color is also another important part of my work that most people might take for granted. I’m actually colorblind which most people would believe would take away from work, however I think it enhances it. I rely heavily on color in my designs and being colorblind makes me take into account how important color actually is. I often confuse different shades of colors with one another which can change the entirety of a design if I don’t take this into account. Using the wrong shade of blue could change the entire design. So I pay a lot of attention to my color pallets when designing making sure everything works cohesively, especially then designing patterns and complex pieces of work.

60th biannual senior art exhibition. Retrospect. Spring 2019
Special thanks to all the committees for a great show

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