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Bryanna Updyke

BFA Graphic Design

I was born and raised on a Rock in the Caribbean Sea. I think the first artwork I ever made was in the sand. I was constantly filled with the desire to explore and to make things. At the age of four, I was making clocks with moveable parts, designing signs for my make-believe businesses, and documenting my snorkel trips with disposable underwater cameras. My island was rich with culture and vibrant in all aspects. Today, I still take inspiration from the movement of the Moko Jumbies dancing on their stilts, the colors of the parrot fish, and the pattern the leatherback sea turtles leave in the sand. 

My home reminds me to love what I make. My work is a combination of digital and handmade pieces. I wrestle with each new concept, mapping, out parts to add and parts to remove. I find that the majority of time spent on each piece is done in my head. Someone asked me once why I make art. I think I make art because I was born to do it. It has been my way of understanding the world since I was a child dragging a stick through the sand all those years ago.


60th biannual senior art exhibition. Retrospect. Spring 2019
Special thanks to all the committees for a great show

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