Taylor Cooper
BFA Graphic Design
Though I’m a graphic designer, I also enjoy working with hot glass and wanted to find a way to combine both elements. My graphics style tends to lean towards simplicity and sleekness, which translates into the type of objects I create using glass. The glass pieces I create are functional objects, but still retain a modern look.
For my show, I have combined my glass and graphics by creating drink labels for bottles that I have cast in glass. Unlike normal hollow bottles, the cast glass process makes them solid objects, thus taking away their functionality. By taking away their function, the viewer is forced to see both the label and the bottle as a whole, commenting on society’s consumption of everyday goods, how often they are taken for granted, and what impact that has on the world we live in.
The drink labels were created after the bottles had been cast to keep the bottles the main focus. The colors in the label were chosen to match the colors seen in the cast bottles, keeping the whole design cohesive.
Online Portfolio: